Codling moth options for 2023

Codling moth is on the move and activity is up in trapped locations. You can either use degree-day modeling, a biofix, or petal fall as a good starting point for your CM program.

Products to control codling moth are included on the page below (Table 2). Make sure to rotate chemistries to reduce likelihood of insecticide resistance developing. Not all products should be applied at the same degree day.

Second generation of codling moth is typically 1200-1250 DD after biofix. We will post in Veg Net when we see degree days approach this point.

*HIGH FLARING POTENTIAL: Note that pyrethroids will kill insect predators and parasitoids potentially leading to increased infestations of secondary pests (e.g., mites).

Above is a list of different products you may prioritize as you plan your cover spays. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of all product options.