Interested in graduate school? Please apply before December 1st.


Interested in graduate school? Please apply before December 1st. -

Insects are formidable foes but they’re also our best friends.

Insects represent a diverse group of organisms. There are few places where this is more obvious than the specialty crop field. Insects pollinate our crops, kill noxious bugs, and even keep our soil healthy. But we all know that isn’t the whole story. Insects also eat our food and transmit plant pathogens. Which is not only annoying but costly. If pests are not managed, sometimes our fields can go from prosperous to downright barren. The wrong pest management tactic can compromise valuable ecosystem services (=what mother nature is giving away for free). So that’s what we do: help balance pest management along this ecological tightrope so growers can get the best pest control without sacrificing any of mother nature’s freebies.