What’s that on my cucurbit?

(August 6 2022) As noted by Sally Miller last week, bacterial wilt and yellow vine decline are being found in cucurbit fields across the state. There are two primary insects responsible for these outbreaks, the Striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum) and squash bug (Anasa tristis). I was just scouting some of my pumpkins this past week and counted 20 beetles in one flower!


Insecticide options and reminders for cucurbit pest control this summer

(June 26 2022) As you create your pest management programs for the rest of the season, make sure you keep pollinators and natural enemies in mind. Most cucurbits are obligately reliant on pollinators to set fruit and secure high yields. Further, many common cucurbit pests are controlled by natural enemies. [insecticide chart included]

Codling moth thresholds triggered!

(May 23, 2022) First and second cover sprays should be initiated across most of the state. Using degree day models from NEWA, we can see that most sites in the southern, central, and northern parts of the state have hit the threshold to begin their cover sprays.


USE your IPM toolbox this season.

(May 20, 2022)With bloom in varying stages across the state (and some orchards already well past bloom), let’s talk about early-season pest management. We are quickly looking at first and second cover sprays for tree fruit in Ohio. Luckily, there are a number of IPM approaches that can help lessen losses to these pests.